Monday, April 27, 2020

Food for Thought - Visualize Your Goals - Hallie Crawford

Food for Thought - Visualize Your Goals Happy Monday! Summer is almost here. I got a preview of it this past weekend when my hubby and I attended my friend Jessicas wedding in Costa Rica. It was a scorching 90 degrees but absolutely beautiful. Theres no better excuse than a vacation in a tropical climate to hang around in the pool and watch the iguanas (there were tons of them!) sunning themselves. What a gorgeous country. This is the resort where we stayed. As you know, I love to travel. Travel is on my top ten list of favorite things to do. I recently revised my Vision Board to include a list of destinations I want to visit in the next few years. If youve paid attention to the buzz about the Law of Attraction and the movie The Secret, you already know about a Vision Board. Heres the deal: One way I set and achieve my goals is by visualizing exactly what I want. It helps me stay focused and thinking positively about each goal. You can do the same thing. Here’s a quick overview of how to create your own Vision Board: 1) Make a list of the top 10 things you want to have or create in your life. They can be anything tangible or intangible like a trip to Macchu Pichu, someone to help you market your business, or a certain amount of money you want to have to give away to charity. 2) Get a posterboard or a large sheet of paper. 3) Cut out or draw pictures of the top 10 things that you want and place them on your vision board. The order or placement is completely up to you. 4) Place your Vision Board somewhere you will see it every day. Your end result should be something that when you look at it, you know clearly what you’re going for and you get excited about the possibility of having it. Good luck! I hope this helps. Career Coaching PS. If you need more guidance and structure in order to create your Vision Board, here’s a website to check out:

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